Financial and Management Accounting Techniques for Managers

 You are working for a business advisory service as an advisor to new and growing businesses. Your role is to support business managers to make decisions and to develop the skills they need to establish and expand their businesses. Task 1You have been asked to do a presentation to new business managers to introduce them to financial and management accounting systems and the recording of financial information that can be used in decision making. You should prepare detailed speaker notes and slides for a presentation. Your presentation must: • Compare management and financial accounting systems, clearly explaining the difference between them.•

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Computer Literacy

SECTION A 1. Describe the roles that codes can play in the input and checking of data input in to a system. 2. Explain what action can managers take to check the accurate input of data to a computer system. SECTION B 1. Explain what is meant by ‘data security’ and how it can be facilitated by the use of (a) regular backups; (b) passwords or security codes; (c) antivirus software.  2. From management’s point of view, outline the most important concerns concerning data on the enterprise’s computer systems, and describe other factors an IT manager must consider when attempting to ensure the

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Strategic Human Resource

1. In terms of discussing or studying strategic human resource management, explain your understanding of what strategic means and what the main aims, concerns and work involved in strategic human resource management are.  2. Explain your understanding of the term “psychological contact” in terms of HR. Explain how a psychological contract develops and discuss the implications of “psychological contract” and “expectancy theory” for HR management and strategy, and for HR managers. 3. Explain what you understand by the term “recruitment strategy” and its aims. Explain the advantages  of developing creative and proactive recruitment activities and strategies. How would that be done?

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Managing Quality and Service Delivery

Harriet Beach owns The Sticky Pudding Factory, a small food manufacturer supplying puddings to retailers, restaurants and other food outlets and to customers through a small retail outlet and online. Harriet is fully aware of the need to keep up to date in order to compete with the major brands. You have been asked to provide Harriet with specialised support and guidance on the management of her quality and service delivery.   Task 1 You must produce an information booklet on the management of quality and service delivery for Harriet and her staff. The booklet can be presented in any format but you must:

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Communication Skills for Business

Assignment Scenario  The Senior Management Team (SMT) of a local medium sized organisation, SHDE Holdings, has become aware of communication problems within their organisation. Customers have been complaining of poor service. The Managing Director is appalled to see spelling errors in letters and now suppliers have refused to deliver further goods until they receive a response to their emails and phone calls about their outstanding invoices. You work with a training consultancy, Training Solutions. An experienced colleague, Asha Kumari, has established the nature of the problems in SHDE Holdings and you have been asked to work with the client to deliver the proposed staff training solutions. You receive the following email and

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International Relations

Assignment Question- ANSWER ONLY ONE QUESTION1. With practical examples, discuss any three (3) major significances of a theory in the study of International Relations?2. With appropriate illustrations, discuss any three (3) major differences between the realist and the liberal schools of thought on the contemporary global system.3. Drawing on concrete evidences, critically appraise the Social Constructivist Theory in the field of International Relations in the 21st century global system.

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Case Study

DELIVERING THE MISSION STATEMENT Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) is the lead UK government department in foreign affairs. Its mission is to formulate and deliver foreign policy and look after UK interests abroad. This includes providing services and supporting British citizens abroad. It also supports British companies through UK Trade and Investment. The UK works with other countries on major issues like climate change, financial stability, resolving conflicts and countering terrorism. The FCO has a global network of embassies, high commissions and consulates that all support UK government policies, UK businesses and UK individuals overseas. The FCO’s work is diverse and

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Financial Accounting

You are employed as an operational manager with Jones Group. The group has a number of different businesses in the sports and leisure sector. You have had recent training in understanding financial and management accounting techniques which you are finding useful in your role for better understanding the group’s different business interests. Task 1You have been asked to prepare an information booklet for other managers to support them in increasing their financial and management accounting knowledge. Your booklet must include:• An explanation of the role of accounting concepts and standards in financial accounting• An explanation of the characteristics of a public limited

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Project Management

You were asked to compare, contrast, and critically evaluate a pair of projects from a single reference class in a report of about 2,500 (references and common parts excluded). REQUIREMENTS:  LO1 Apply essential project management methods and tools and integrate their results utilizing a systems approach.  LO2 Synthesize a comprehensive project master plan and an effective delivery strategy.  LO3 Critically evaluate the contribution of wider issues, such as quality or risk management, in a project environment.  LO4 Critically evaluate and recommend the most appropriate techniques for managing a project.   TASK: Below you can find a detailed description of the report assessment

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Strategic Human Resource Management

Please read the instructions thoroughly.Write a report about a human resource management (HRM) issue affecting your organisation or an organisation you know well.The HRM issue you choose to write about must be one of the following: job analysis and design, recruitment and selection, or employee retention.In your report make sure to include:• A brief description of the organisation and the HRM issue you have selected.• An analysis of the HRM issue. Describe the issue in detail. Explain why the issue needs improving in the organisation; make a case for change. Include in your analysis a comparison of practice in your own

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Strategic Operations Management

Question 1HBM Limited, a major retailer of electrical and electronic products in West Africa would like to apply the lean supply chain concept to improve its business operational performance and competitiveness. As the Supply Chain Operational Director, you are required to critically:a. Evaluate how HBM Limited can effectively apply the lean supply chain concept in its business operations. As a company in the Retail Services sector do you think implementing the lean supply chain concept would improve its business performance and why? (10 Marks)b. Examine how suppliers of HBM Limited can contribute to the improvement of its business performance and competitiveness

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People Management

The new Pastor of the Emmanuel Pentecostal Church had made a big impression in the six months since being appointed. The Rev Nathaniel’s charismatic preaching style and warm personality have seen attendance at worship services rise. The church is located in one of the poorer districts in the town and there is clear poverty and social issues amongst the local population. The Rev Nathaniel is concerned that the church is too insular and inward looking and he wants to spread the message by reaching out to the local community. At the last Deacon’s meeting the Rev Nathaniel floated the idea that

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Theology and Practice of Ministry

The aim of this unit is to enable students explore the theological and practical dimensions of ministry.  The unit will help students to understand and be prepared for the essential dynamics of faithful pastoral ministry in a congregational setting.  In your role as a pastor, you need to be able to deliver presentations to provide information to others. So, as part of your personal and skills development activities, you have been asked to give a presentation covering four key themes for a competition. Prepare the content for your presentation using the tasks outlined below. For each of the themes, produce slides,

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Introduction to Christian Theology

Unit 5 Introduction to Christian Theology Unit aims This unit aims to provide learners with an introduction to the understanding of Christian theology and the nature and necessity of theology in the contemporary world.  This will include the authority of God’s self-disclosure in Scripture, the nature of the Triune God and the doctrines of man, sin, the person and the work of Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Students will also be introduced to the biblical doctrines of salvation, sanctification, the church and the last days.   This unit will draw upon and support learning in the following units in this qualification:

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