International Business Environment

IBUS 607 INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT ASSIGNMENT.Question:• Discuss the usefulness of Michael Porters 5 competitive model in International Business.Details:• Not more than 4 pages.• ⁠Times New Roman, font size 12.• ⁠Double line spacing.

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Corporate Governance

Below is your interim assignment for this subject. Please read the brief and instructions thoroughly. A contemporaneous corporate governance issue in practice and academia is diversity of directors in the boardroom of an entity. Diversity in the context of corporate governance can have various meanings. Diversity in the boardroom among directors could be in some circumstances attributable to entity type e.g. certain not for profit and charity entities, publicly listed firms in a sector or industry, etc. The characteristics or traits of diversity could, for example, include age (e.g. Loop, P & Bromilow, C 2018 – see embedded scholarship article), ethnicity,

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Legal Ethics and Finance

Question 1 Artificial Intelligence (AI) issues are becoming increasingly complex as institutions grapple with its changing nature. Granted that, there is currently no specific law in Ghana on AI, kindly prepare a legal opinion to advise the Board and Management of a Bank on how they should address AI issues, focusing on what steps it should take to take to ensure that it is adequately protected. Your response should be no more than 5 pages. Question 2 As part of its onboarding process,  a reputable Bank in Ghana has to carry out legal due diligence on a number of Participating Financial

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Human Resource Management

You have been working in Human Resources for several years and would like to manage a HR department. You have seen a vacancy for a Human Resource Manager at a large organisation and have submitted your CV to express your interest in the job. The recruitment team at the organisation has long listed you and invited you to submit a report for them to read in order to create a shortlist of applicants. Task 1Write a report called ‘How human resource management contributes to organisational effectiveness’. You must refer to organisations in general and you may provide examples from specific organisations

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As an entrepreneur, envision a business idea and present a business plan to investors in order to convince them to provide funding for the start-up of the business.

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Business Law and Ethics

Wizkid in Delta state (Nigeria) wrote to Kofi Kinata in Takoradi (Ghana) offering to sell to Kofi Kinata his Mercedes Benz car for $1,000,000. On receiving Wizkid’s offer, Kofi Kinata telephoned him in order to accept. Wizkid, however, said that since such a large sum of money was involved, he wanted written confirmation of the acceptance from Kofi Kinata. He said that if Kofi Kinata got his letter of acceptance to him by 11am the day (Tuesday), he would go ahead with the sale at $1,000,000. Kofi Kinata at once wrote and posted a letter of acceptance, which Wizkid received at

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Strategic Human Resource Management

Assignment Questiona. Discuss how an organisation of your choice can achieve a connection between its strategy and human resource management. b. Critically assess the degree to which HRM in practice can be said to be fulfilling that role with specific reference to the relationship between Strategic Human Resource Management and Organizational performance.

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Project Management

Managing projects in the Sahel regions of Africa is currently facing several challenges. Apart from economic and financial hemorrhage, climate change’s intricacies further worsen Africa’s plights for project destinations. Whilst the unsustainable democratic gains over the years have been pronounced, the lack of policy inconsistencies further derailed project investments. Youth unemployment and general well-being in the Sahel required urgent private sector initiatives to mitigate across the value chain of project management for the Sahel regions. Your task is to propose a new project that capable of creating jobs and meeting national agenda. You could relate this to a past project or

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Leadership and Management

Write a report evaluating the leadership of a 21st century leader of a (business, government or notfor-profit) organisation. For this assignment you can select a leader from a large or a small organisation. You can select aleader from your own organisation or one that you are familiar with. It could be a CEO of an international organisation whom you have read about in the newspapers/biographies, or a family member who runs a small business with a few staff members. The choice of leader and organisation is yours.Using relevant theories and models, critically evaluate and analyse the leadership of the leader you

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International Business

Assignment BriefA meeting has been scheduled later this month, in preparation to hand over your position as a CEO to Mr. Davido. It is envisaged that Mr. Davido would be required to lead the company in the years ahead, keeping in mind that the company needs to maintain its strong growth momentum in the developing and emerging world. Required:Summarize the lessons and successes of your tenure in that position, using the following outline points on the agenda for the meeting.

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International Relations

Assignment Question With appropriate illustrations, discuss the core objectives and strategies employed by Dr. Kwame Nkrumah in pursuit of Ghana’s Congo Policy? Would you say Ghana’s role in resolving the Congo Crises was inevitable?

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Financial Decision Making

Question one: Part A: Part I:Critically evaluate existing literature on the consequences of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adoption in Europe vs, emerging economic with a specific focus on the economic impact.

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Economics for Business

Assignment ScenarioYou have been working in business for a number of years and are a member of a professional institute for business people. The institute keeps business people up to date with business issues and publishes a monthly magazine containing useful articles for its members. The magazine editor has invited you to contribute an article to the magazine.Task 1Write a magazine article called ‘Understanding the economic business environment’. In the article you must:• Explain the importance of the micro-environment to business organisations• Analyse business objectives and behaviour in an economic context• Assess the impact of market structures on business organisations• Explain

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