1. Develop three (3) topics for your upcoming research dissertation. Remember that these topics will be the final three that will be reviewed by your supervisors and possibly, one will be chosen for You. (NB: Think through properly before sending the topics).
2. For each of the 3-topics selected, develop the following
I. Comprehensive research methodology (This should cover the design, approach, population, sample and sampling technique) and justification of the chosen method (2pages)
II. Describe the data analytical procedures to be used in all the selected topics (1.5 pages)
III. Describe briefly some ethical considerations for all the 3 topics (I page)
3. Identify possible analytical tools to be used in all the 3 selected topics and why (1 page)
4. Briefly describe 2 ways of collecting data with questionnaires from participants and how these data can be analyzed both descriptively and with inferential.
5. Briefly explain the difference between RESULTS and FINDINGS from the research perspective
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