Introduction to Biblical Studies

The purpose of the unit is to provide students with a foundation for careful and informed analysis of both the Old and New Testaments as Scripture. Students will gain an overview of the biblical books and be able to describe their content, culture as well as their theological, historical and literary contexts. Attention will also be given to Ethical issues arising in some texts and the geography of parts of Bible lands.A high school in your district has just appointed you as their Acting Chaplain. The Christian Fellowship in the school has set up a Bible Study Club, which discusses the

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Theology of Mission and Evangelism

This unit aims to enable learners to explore the centrality and the nature of mission in the teaching of the Scriptures. In this unit learners will also be able to reflect on the relevance of a biblically faithful theology of mission and evangelism for the church’s obedience to Christ in our contemporary world. In your church it is expected before ordination, that every licensed minister completes a period of internship in mission and evangelism. You are required to take your church’s intensive course in mission and evangelism before you will be posted to a location for the internship. However, you are

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Management Challenge

PART I – THE INVESTIGATIVE PHASE – (THE PURPOSE OR THE MAIN OBJECTIVE IS TO IDENTIFY THE CAUSE OR CAUSES OF THE PERFORMANCE GAP AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPLEMENTATION) As a requirement for the professional administrator licensing programme, you are required to: Select an operational, departmental, or individual employee performance-related issue of concern in your Department. Define the problem, and support it with the relevant facts and figures, as evidence or indication that it is an issue of concern to the organization. Conduct a problem/situation analysis and conduct a systematic investigation to identify the cause(s) of the performance gap. Based on

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Strategic Auditing and Legal Studies

STRATEGIC AUDIT WORKSHEET ANALYSIS A.1 Corporate Performance Evaluation i. Select the organization of a group member in the class, and use the Balanced scorecard tool to evaluate its performance. The KPIs must be correct, but the supporting performance data used may not be the real facts. ii. Conduct a comprehensive environmental scanning, using the SWOT, PESTEL, Porter’s five forces model, and any other relevant tool to assess the external and internal environment of the organization evaluated in (i). iii. Use the information gathered in (i) and (ii), present your result for analysis using the EFAS, IFAS, SFAS, and the TOWS matrix.

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Corporate Finance

ASSIGNMENT (CORPORATE FINANCE)1. Pick 2 companies with similar asset sizes(a competitor company)2. Get a financial statement of these government companies3. Look at a trend Analysis of 5years period.4. Look at before and after Covid. (NB 2020 should be the reference/reflective period. 2018, 2019, 2021 & 2022). (Do ratio & trend analysis). Source main Data (Income Statement & Balanced Sheet) from the cash flow. Is there any statistical difference from each other. Eg. Return on Equity. Eg. We have to translate in year 2018 (R.O.E) increased and in year 2019, it decreased.5. We should also go further to the average and structure

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Critical Reflection on Practice

Essay 1: Critical Reflection on Practice (5000 words; 40%)A 5,000 word essay presenting an evaluation of the student’s development as an advanced reflective practitioner. This piece of work offers an opportunity for students to consider how their participation on a programme of practice-based research has influenced their professional and intellectual development. As well as critically drawing on relevant scholarship on reflection and reflective practice, the essay will, where appropriate, draw on the student’s research notes or learning journal that they have been keeping from the outset of the programme, although candidates are at liberty to disclose only those elements they find

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Financial Decision-making for Managers

You have been employed as a business advisor with a local enterprise company that works with local government to provide advice to small and medium sized businesses and new entrepreneurs on various aspects of business. The partners know you have some financial knowledge and have asked you to complete a variety of tasks related to finance. Task 1Jess is a local entrepreneur who has spare funds in her company and wants to invest in listed company shares. She has asked you to look at two potential companies that are listed on the stock exchange and advise on their stability and the

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Strategic Financial Management

The purpose of the Asset and Liability Management Committee (ALCO) is to achieve sustainable and stable profits within a framework of acceptable financial risks and controls, by adding value to the business through the management of liquidity, interest rates and foreign exchange risks, balance sheet structure as well as capital management.“The Ministry of Finance has pleaded with President Akufo-Addo not to assent to the recently passed anti-LGBTQ bill by Parliament. In a press released on Monday, March 4, the Finance Ministry cautioned that approving the bill could result in significant financial consequences for Ghana.”Later in the afternoon of the day of

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Project Development and Planning Management

Task 1 of 1 (AC 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3)You will need to develop a research proposal to show how to plan and manage a DBA research project. You can choose the topic but are advised to check with your tutor that your choice is appropriate. You can use the structure below to present your ideas or use your own style. Introduction • Sets the scene by providing the purpose of theresearch proposal. Rationale for the choice ofthe research problem. • A convincing argument that explains the rationale,motivation for choosing the research problem

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Managing Strategic Change

Task 1 of 2 – Report (AC 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)Instructions:You are required to prepare a report which critically evaluates strategic organisational change.You should choose one existing organisation/company in your country on which to base your assignment. You are advised to check with your tutor that your choice is appropriate.Your report should:• Critically evaluate change theories and analyse the relationship between leadership and change agents.• Critically evaluate how organisational structure and leadership influences the characteristics and attributes of change agents.• Critically evaluate the challenge of change and the effectiveness of change agents.• Assess and select relevant theories and tools

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Developing Strategic Management Leadership

Task 1 of 2 – Business Environment Presentation (AC 1.1, 1.2, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3)Instructions:You are required to prepare a presentation with speaker notes critically evaluating the external and internal business environment of one global organisation of your choice. You are advised to check with your tutor that your choice is appropriate.Your presentation should:• Start with a short introduction of your chosen organisation and define the industry/sector.• Critically evaluate the industry external business environment, key drivers, and critical success factors (use models such as PESTEL, 5-forces, etc.)• Critically evaluate the dynamic capabilities (resources and capabilities) of the company. Use value chain and

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Corporate Governance Issue

Below is your assignment for this subject. Please read the brief and instructions thoroughly.A topical corporate governance issue in practice and academia is female representation in corporatemanagement. For example:• The number or percentage of female compared to male directors on corporate boards• The number or percentage of female compared to male directors in senior executive roles (e.g. chief financial officer, chief operating officer or chief information officer). Some reports in the media or from peak body organisations and associations suggest having quotas or future targets (i.e. female percentage of total) to work towards implementing. Others suggest an appointment should be based

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Human Resource Management

You have been working in Human Resources for several years and would like to manage a HR department. You have seen a vacancy for a Human Resource Manager at a large organisation and have submitted your CV to express your interest in the job. The recruitment team at the organisation has long-listed you and invited you to submit a report for them to read, in order to create a short-list of applicants.  Task 1–Report on how human resource management contributes to organisational effectiveness  Write a report called ‘How human resource management contributes to organisational effectiveness’. You must refer to organisations in

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Business Economics

You have been working in business for a number of years and are a member of a professional institute for business people. The institute keeps business people up to date with business issues and publishes a monthly magazine containing useful articles for its members. The magazine editor has invited you to contribute an article to the magazine. Task 1 – Article on ‘Understanding the micro-economic business environment’ Write a magazine article called ‘Understanding the micro-economic business environment’. In the article you must: · explain the importance of the micro-environment to business organisations · analyse business objectives and behaviour in an economic context · assess the impact of

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Risk Management

You work at Equitable Funding Ltd, a UK-based company which has recently been audited by a third-party regulatory organisation. The audit raised concerns about your organisation’s lack of risk management focus at a strategic level. Business risk management is a very important aspect of business management and, if carried out correctly, the process can ensure that an organisation survives and further develops in the sometimes volatile and very demanding marketplace. As a member of the senior management team, your line manager, has been asked to take on the role of an internal consultant to the team to advise and support them

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