Personal Leadership and Management Development

Task 1You are to prepare a discussion paper aimed at the group of ‘middle’ managers in your organisation which evaluates the: a. terms leadership and management and their application in organisationsb. personal leadership and management skills required to support achievement of organisational goals The discussion paper should include exploration of relevant theories and practice and clearly demonstrate, with examples your understanding of how personal leadership and management skills help to ensure achievement of organisational objectives Extension activities:To gain a merit grade, the paper should include• an analysis of the impact of organisational objectives, values and cultures on the leadership and management

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Marketing Communication

Craft a comprehensive marketing communication strategy and corresponding tactics tailored for a Ghanaian SME operating within the restaurant industry. Justify your proposed solutions by integrating relevant marketing communication concepts, industry insights, and local market dynamics. Your strategy should encompass various communication channels, including digital platforms and traditional media, to effectively reach and engage the target audience. Additionally, consider the unique cultural nuances and consumer preferences within the Ghanaian market when designing your communication approach.

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Management Information System

You have gained a contract as an IT Consultant with GoGlobal Limited. The company needs to review their existing management information systems in order to make improvements. This will include the use of new technologies to move into global e-business. Initial costing show that this will require significant investment that will impact on developments elsewhere in the business. The Managing Director has asked you to prepare information that covers a variety of different issues relating to management information systems. This will help the organisation decide on its future plans. Following a meeting with the MD and his senior colleagues you are

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Leadership and Management

You have recently been employed as a trainee departmental manager by a large corporate organisation. All new employees are enrolled on an induction training programme. As part of the programme, there are a number of tasks and activities that must be completed to successfully pass the induction and become a permanent member of staff. All of the work needs to be retained in your induction file which will be presented to your line manager on completion of the induction programme. Task 1 – Induction Training Programme Preparation Before attending the first session, you have been asked to complete some background reading

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The Tripartite Division of the Law

The tripartite division of the Law of obligations into Contract, Tort and Restitution is a strong evidence of convergence and divergence between Civil Law and Common Law Tradition. Do you agree? Yes or NoCritically Justify your position

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Professional Licensing Programme

    ASSIGNMENT 1 (Professional Administration Practice Assignment) 1. a) Within the context of business management processes, explain the following terms: i)       Administration ii)       Administrator iii)     Administrative Management b) Differentiate between the following: i)       Administration and Management ii)      Professional Administrator and The Administrative Manager  2.       i) In what department or unit are you presently working? ii)        Does your unit have the following Department/unit specific: a)    Vision, b)    Mission, c)    Objectives, and d) Policies, that defines the operational direction of the department/unit (If yes, state them) iii)     Are the above factors aligned with the corporate goals of the Institution? iv)       In case your unit/department

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Project Management

You should base your assignment on an organisation you work for, you know well personally or can effectively research. The choice is important as achievement of LOs 1 and 2 requires you to analyse actual business objectives, identify projects and then produce plans to achieve these objectives. You will need access to detailed information about your chosen organisation, including the business objectives, together with information about the sector in which the organisation operates. This can be web-researched by using an organisation’s annual reports, websites and other general industry information. Task 1You are required to research the organisation and identify potential projects that fit with

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International Business Management

You have been consulted by the Ghana Export Promotion Authority to develop a guideline for Small and Medium Scale (SME) businesses in Ghana to pursue internationalization.a. Convince a chosen SME on the need to go international.b. Guide the SME to identify a destination for it products.c. Lead in the analysis of any factor(s) that the SME needs to consider before going into the selected market.d. Based on the analysis, suggest an option for entering that foreign market.e. Attempt to develop an international business strategy for the SME.

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Professional Licensing Programme

1.    Worksheet 1 Exercises a)   Differentiate between clerical, operational, routine and management functions b)   Give at least 5 examples of clerical, routine and operational functions, and at least 10 examples of management functions. c)   Link the activities listed in point (b) above to the management functions categories (planning, organizing, leading, and control) and Mintzberg’s ten managerial roles. d)   Differentiate between programmed decisions and non-programmed decisions under the characteristics below: Use the table Characteristics Programmed decisions Non-programmed decisions  Type of problem      Managerial Level      Frequency      Information      Time frame for solution      Solution relies on     e)   

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Marketing Communications

COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES STRATEGIC MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS NIKE hit the ground running in 80’s. The company focused on providing high-quality running shoes designed for athletes. Founder believed high-tech shoes for runners could be manufactured at competitive prices if imported from abroad. Adidas commitment to creating innovative footwear for athletes helped it build a following among Ghanaians.  NIKE believed in a “pyramid of influence” in which the preferences of a small percentage of top athletes influenced the brand choices of others. From the start, its marketing communications campaigns featured accomplished athletes. Ibrahim Hassan, the first spokesperson, had an attitude that matched the company’s spirit.

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Strategic Finance Issues

CASE STUDY QUESTION [100 MARKS]Asset and liability management (ALM) is a practice used by financial institutions to mitigate financial risks resulting from a mismatch of assets and liabilities. The practice of ALM can include many factors, including strategic allocation of assets, risk mitigation, and adjustment of regulatory and capital frameworks. By successfully matching assets against liabilities, financial institutions are left with a surplus that can be actively managed to maximize their investment returns and increase profitability. A full ALM framework focuses on long-term stability and profitability by maintaining liquidity requirements, managing credit quality, and ensuring enough operating capital. Unlike other risk

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QUESTION:In an era of the devastating effects to our water bodies and forestry by Small-Scale Mining (SSM – popularly known as Galamsey) many well-meaning Ghanaians including some technocrats have advocated for the government of Ghana to encourage more social Entrepreneurs into the mining industry instead of Business Entrepreneurs. Write a report to the Hon. Minister for Lands and Natural Resources, detailing reasons why the above advocacy is worth considering and proffer some recommendations that would help manage the Galamsey menace more effectively. In your report Ensure you cover the following elements:1. In your introduction, give a brief overview of the Galamsey

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Leadership and Management

Reflective journalPurposeThis assignment is designed to assess the student’s ability to describe, explain, justify and demonstrate knowledge of one or more of the main principles of the Leadership subject. The assignment addresses all course objectives and the graduate qualities related to written communication, systematic inquiry, decision-making ability, lifelong learning and the ability to work independently. Description of the assignmentThis assignment is a written work of 2250 words (plus or minus 10%). You will need to write three (3) entries in a reflective journal recording your leadership experiences and thoughts relating to situations which have raised issues. Each reflective entry should be 750

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Strategic Marketing Management

TaskUsing an organization that you are familiar with or of your choice, develop a marketing plan for the years 2022, 2023 and 2024. Your plan should help the organization to be competitive and gain market share.  Your Marketing Plan should be guided by the following format: Executive Summary1.0 Introduction 2.0 Situation Analysis            2.1 Internal Analysis                    Organizational Audit                    Resource Audit                    Marketing Audit            2.2 External Environmental

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