Strategic Operations Management

Write a report that analyses a process and provide recommendations on how the process can be improved.The process you choose to write about can be a process in your own organisation or in any organisation that you are familiar with. Once you have chosen the process, use some of the concepts and tools of Process Design and Analysis to examine it in detail and then provide recommendations on how the process can be improved in terms of one or more operations performance objectives (i.e. cost, quality, speed, dependability, flexibility and sustainability). In the report, you are required to:• Describe the organization

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Strategic Human Resource Management

In preparation for this assignment, you are required to read the following article:Tucker, E 2017, ‘3 Keys to closing workforce planning gaps’, Talent Development, vol. 71, no. 11, pp. 34–38.Based on your insights from the learning materials, textbook, and the scholarship article, undertake a strategic workforce planning exercise for your organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar.BriefAs a part of your strategic workforce planning exercise, you are required to:a) Develop a systematic process of human resource planning (HRP) based on a detailed environmental scan, labour demand forecasting, labour supply analysis, and balancing demand and supply to meet the current

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The Mortgage Industry in Ghana

1. Examine the mortgage industry/market in Ghana. (including the regulatory framework, risks, challenges. Everything about mortgage in Ghana). Using the housing situation in Ghana. 2. Give an account of the Global Financial Crisis and how these global mortagege industries collapsed fron 2007 – 2010 andchallenges.

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Leadership and Management

Leadership and a Better LeaderThe Chairman of the Sankofa Company Limited –SCL- has summoned the Members of the Board of the sugar factory to an emergency meeting on account of an electronic mail from the Sankofa Group- SG Chairman on the subject ‘We need a better Leader at SCL’. In the message, the Chairman summarized that in 2021, employees expressed dissatisfaction in the leadership of SCL. The Board’s committee on Strategy and Governance met on Friday December 17, 2021, to agree on the motion that SCL must have a new MD/CEO. In March 2022, the main Board of Directors of SCL

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Public Financial Management (PFM)

You are required, for your term paper, to: i) Read thoroughly either the Public Financial Management Act 2016 (Act 921) or the Public Procurement (Amendment) Act 2016 (Act 914) or the Public Financial Management Regulation 2019. ii) Critically evaluate the law you have selected in (i) above in terms of a well-defined framework you have developed or adopted from the literature. iii) Write a scholarly 5-page report on your evaluation outcomes (use Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line spacing).

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Domestic Debt Exchange Program

Prepare a presentation on the old bonds and new bonds, mention what you know about the Domestic Debt Exchange Program (DDEP), the new bonds and their characteristics, and about impairment.

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Digital Globalization: Unveiling A New Epoch of Global Streams Through Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity Applications

This comprehensive literature explores the evolution of globalization, highlighting its transition from exclusive governance by world governments, transnational corporations, and financial institutions to the involvement of diverse actors like engineers, freelancers, and startups. Modern globalization enables rapid expansion for small and medium-sized enterprises, fostering global connections for individuals worldwide. The paper identifies factors transforming classical globalization, emphasizing the link between digital globalization and technological advances such as artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and social exchange. Utilizing statistical data and analytical reasoning, the study delves into the structure of “digital globalization,” covering historical features, indicators, points of influence, and a comparative analysis of modern

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Analysis of Financial Market

Research on Bank of Ghana performance, the monetary policies and their independence, ther mandate. The issues now and how their operations are. In the context of the demonstration issues and telling the B.O.G director to resign.

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Leadership Transition at Sankofa Company Limited

The Chairman of the Sankofa Company Limited –SCL- has summoned the Members of the Board of the sugar factory to an emergency meeting on account of an electronic mail from the Sankofa Group- SG Chairman on the subject ‘We need a better Leader at SCL’. In the message, the Chairman summarized that in 2021, employees expressed dissatisfaction in the leadership of SCL. The Board’s committee on Strategy and Governance met on Friday December 17, 2021, to agree on the motion that SCL must have a new MD/CEO. In March 2022, the main Board of Directors of SCL sanctioned and approved of

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Enhancing Marketing Communications

Marketing communication is responsible for shaping customer perceptions of a firm. When executed well it affects the performance of a firm. You are tasked with recommending a promotional mix element for a company of your choice operating in one of the following sectors:a) Fast Moving Consumer Goodsb) Educationc) Bankingd) TelecommunicationRequirement:1. Introduce the Chosen Firm:Begin by providing a brief background of the selected firm, including its name, industry sector,and key products or services.2. Analyze Current Marketing Communications:Evaluate and analyze the current marketing communications strategies and campaigns employed by the chosen firm. This could include advertising, public relations, sales promotions, direct marketing, and

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Project Work; Research Methods II

1. Develop three (3) topics for your upcoming research dissertation. Remember that these topics will be the final three that will be reviewed by your supervisors and possibly, one will be chosen for You. (NB: Think through properly before sending the topics).2. For each of the 3-topics selected, develop the followingI. Comprehensive research methodology (This should cover the design, approach, population, sample and sampling technique) and justification of the chosen method (2pages)II. Describe the data analytical procedures to be used in all the selected topics (1.5 pages)III. Describe briefly some ethical considerations for all the 3 topics (I page)3. Identify possible

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Project Work; Research Methods I

1. You are to develop three (3) topics for Research Studies on your own based on your understanding in Research Methods.Note: This can be industry related or based on the modules you have previously done in School.2. For each of the 3 selected topics, develop the followingI. The background of the study (1 page)II. The Problem Statement of the topic (1/2 page)III. The aim of the proposed topic and the working objectivesIV. Brief Methodology (I page)3. For each of the write-up, List 3 THEORIES that will be relevant to the selected topics4. Select one of the three topics that you are

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Leadership, Work & Organisation

Assignment Question1. Describe the three basic types of organizational structures and the challenges or crisis faced by the organization as it moves through each stage of corporate development. In addition, describe the matrix and network organizational structures. Discuss when their use is appropriate. (20 Marks)2. Discuss and recommend resolution to the 5 ways organizations lack gender balance in the workplace (10 Marks) Question solved. This content is for Premium, Cheapest, and Most Popular members only.Join Now

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